Almost slipped through the whole weekend without any cooking – possibly a record. Of course, this dubious record was spoiled at the outset since the cooking I did was Saturday morning. I made some very nice orange cardamom buttermilk scones. No measurements – sorry – scones are an organic thing for me, made by feel.

Cardamom-Orange Scone Recipe

Standard plain flour, salt, sugar, baking powder. Combine carefully. Dump in shortening of some kind – in this case palm oil – the new non-trans fat vegetable shortening. Proposed motto – so bad it’s good for you! Anyway, cut in / rub in the fat to the flour mixture until it is sort of breadcrumby. sprinkle in ground coriander, pour on a little orange oil, add buttermilk slowly and mix until forms a thick batter. Bake for 15 minutes at 400 degrees or really until browned. They were good if I say so myself.

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