Rest In Peace, Julia Child
I was idly doing some work today when I heard the news that Julia Child had passed away.
This is a sad day, but also a glad one. She, more than anyone else, made real food, especially French food, something that anyone could and should cook. She was smart, vital and lived a great life.
It is the little things that I will remember. When she dropped a dish she simply said, “oh well, that happens,” picked it up, cleaned it off and carried on. She adapted to the circumstances. She believed that tasty food was good food, that an anal-retentive hatred of butter and eggs was more harmful than butter or eggs. She lived to be over 90 years old and, from outside, was basically happy for most of her life.
So, sometime this weekend, when the opportunity presents, I will cook something in her memory – probably something simple like an omelette – and have a drink in her memory. Then I will try to carry on cooking and enjoying food the way she did – with enthusiasm.
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