Paper Chef 14 Update

We have a storm of ingredient entries to add and a few tweaks – our eagle-eyed judge noticed that basil was a recently used ingredient and so needs to be avoided for another month or two.

Here is the latest list:

Winter root vegetables, butternut squash, scallions, quinoa, olives, yoghurt, barley, fennel, pumpkin (or any squash) seeds, fancy vinegar, cranberries, cream of rice, cornish hens, honey, something derived from a goat (meat, milk, cheese, yoghurt, butter, etc), rocket (arugula), cashews, macadamia nuts, pomegranate molasses, hot bean paste, chestnuts, grits, holiday leftovers, chicken thighs, ham, kale, dried beans, miso, simple syrup and buffalo (that last may require some serious global adjustments for those outside North America – and you all might not know how common buffalo is becoming – kind of like a super beef).

Wow! What a list! There are a LOT of fun random possibilities there!


  1. I’m very new to this… can someone explain exactly what we are to do with the ingredients list and when to submit recipes?

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