Happy New Year
To you all. I know it is well past the official new year, but since we were stuck in the snow in the dark at the official time, it didn’t feel real until yesterday when we had a very nice dinner party with friends and lots of conversation and then I read tarot cards for everyone just for the hell of it. You will be glad to know that it promises to be a very good year for those at the party and that with my great and well-practiced fortune telling skills I predict ruin for George Bush’s chances of re-election. Or maybe, as someone pointed out, the cards meant ruin for the questioner who clearly isn’t a Bush supporter.
Time will tell…
I have a few resolutions to share and some to keep private.
First, I resolve to write more. I resolve to spend more time keeping in touch with friends and family. I resolve to get in better shape and exercise more conscientiously.
Work picks up again after the break in earnest tomorrow and the girls go back to school so suddenly it is going to be busy busy.
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