Paper Chef January 2005 Edition Preliminaries

OK, it’s that time of month again. Time for the Paper Chef.

TO recap, here are the rules (slightly updated and now the semi-official set)

Semi-Official Paper Chef Rules

On the first Friday of every month at some point prior to Noon PST, I will announce a list of four ingredients that must be used, along with any other ingredients you choose, to make a dish and then write about it by Noon PST on Monday, 72 hours later. An impartial guest judge will pick the best sounding recipe to them and the winner will be awarded the “Paper Chef” title for that month along with a meaningless prize of no intrinsic value that I will donate. You also get to display the prestigious winner icon on your site. Anyone who wants to is welcome to submit ingredient ideas and all suitable ones will go onto a list. Three of the ingredients will be randomly picked from the list and the fourth will be seasonal or trendy or in the news in some way. If the list of four is totally unsuitable (maraschino cherries, english mustard, liver and suet) then we will redraw randomly until it is conceivable to cook different kinds of dishes with all four ingredients.

Ingredient suggestions go to the Paper Chef forum on Is My Blog Burning up to midnight the day before the event. Ingredients that are NOT selected will be rolled over for a month and then removed. Anyone at all can suggest one ingredient – not more. Suggestions that are not realistic or are in bad taste in the estimation of the powers that be (me for the moment) will be ignored.

No sign up is necessary to take part. Just send an email to before Noon PST on the Monday to point to your entry.

OK – final shortlist from which the three ingredients will be chosen is:

anchovies, cinnamon, savoy cabbage, smoked paprika, oranges, wheat flour, chorizo, potatoes, goat cheese, chicken, stale bread, yeast and tamarind

and we cannot use ginger, almonds, cilantro/coriander or winter squash.

Guest judge this time is Ronald of “Is My Blog Burning?” and “Love Sicily“/”Via Ritiro N.7.

Final list of four (including the special seasonal ingredient) available in about two hours!

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