Today at the Farmers Market
I think I’m going to be a regular at the Oakland Farmer’s Market. I got two pounds of a mysterious asian green that tastes a lot like sorrel. I got six large fresh lemongrass stalks. I got two pounds of fresh basil and a pound of fresh thai basil. I got a bunch of cilantro. I got a quarter of a pound more of the wonderful mustardy peppery cress I got last time. I got three pounds of roma tomatoes. I got a pound and a half of FRESH peanuts (to boil and roast). I got two pounds of another unknown asian green. I got a still-warm crusty crunch baguette. Total cost – $16. I also got two tamales for lunch from the tamale vendor. One traditional wiith pork and tomatillas and one Oaxaca chicken mole wrapped in banana leaves. $4.75 with nine different kinds of free salsa.
Peaches – even organic – were running $1 per pound but I got there too late – what was left was kind of manky.
I’m making some thai food this weekend (the sorrelly green vendor threw in some jalapenos for free) I expect and some pesto and some greens. Have a good weekend everyone!
Large trucks turn out to be the single most energy inefficient thing we have…
Local farming saves oil
I ADORE the farmers’ markets here. The food tastes better, costs less, and makes me happier. I can talk to the farmer who has grown the produce. It’s all organic. And subtly, insidiously, I feel like I”m committing a daring political act.
Enjoy your stash! What are you going to do with the lemongrass stalks?
My one sadness about the Oakland City Center Farmers Market – its small and there’s no meat – oh well – still a great place. So I am extra envious of he pig cheeks Biggles!
Owen, when do we get to hear about what you did with all your treasures? Wish I had a farmers market that well stocked near me!
I remember that the last time we were in the Bay Area (four years ago? or three?) in February, while there was a huge snowstorm back home in Ohio, we were cruising around the Berkley Farmer’s Market eating blood oranges and jamming to music played by very talented small children. The produce was fantastic, and that, right there, almost made me toss caution to the winds and decide to move to the area that second.
If I ever went to the Ferry Plaza market, Ohio may never see me again!
Good on you for the fresh lemongrass–I have a friend in Florida who planted some in his yard, and it ended up taking over the lawn. He gives it away to Asian restaurants now.